Monday, August 24, 2009

{Cheap Tip}

If you are like my husband you probably do not like steak just cooked plain. I on the other hand love it plain because then I get to use A1 which is the second love of my life:) I have found that it is really easy to get Jeff to eat steak if we marinate it in something good before. And this is where these beauties come into play. {dun dun dun}

They are 99 cents a bottle at your local smiths and you do not need a lot of sauce to make your food extra yummy. We have used these for four meals already and this particular brand has about 6 or 7 different flavors. Some of the things that we have tried these on in the past are steak, pork, chicken and hamburgers and they made every one of them taste really good and different. So that is a easy cheap trick that adds a little more pizazz to your normal meals.

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